Make Your Own Microcontroller board & Design your own IoT Applications

Become a Job-Ready Engineer in the field of Electronics & IoT Technology


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Become Embedded/Electronics Engineer

NOTE: Enroll before Offer Ends and get the Discount Course Offer with all the Bonus Features

Why You Should Learn Microcontroller Board Design?

Highest Salaries

Increasing Demand


Suitable for ECE Enthusiast

Modules Covered in this Course

Embedded System

Internet of Things
Thingspeak, Microsoft Azure, AWS

PCB Design
Cadence, Schematic, Allegro Layout

8051, ARM7, Cortex M4, PIC, NodeMCU


Complete Course Fee

5999 999
  • 4 Courses - Topic-wise Video Lectures (Embedded C + Embedded System + IoT + PCB Designing)
  • 25+ Capstone Projects Hands-on
  • Saturday Zoom Live Q&A Session + New Lectures on the current trend
  • 100+ Source Code Download
  • Lectures on 5 Microcontrollers (8051, ARM7, Cortex M4, PIC, NodeMCU/ESP8266)
  • Lectures on 3 Top Cloud Services (AWS, Microsoft Azure, Thingspeak)
  • 4 Internship certificate

  • (If You Registered before Offer Ends )
  • Interview Q&A PDF Collections
  • Softskill Coaching (Interview skills, Communication skills, Mindset)
  • Lifetime Private Community
  • Sample Resumes
  • Entrepreneurship Program

Recent Success Stories Of Our Learners

For Whom this course is ?

No Prior Coding Experience Required.

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Meet the Course Designer

M K Jeeva Rajan


Microcontroller Architecture: 8051,PIC,AVR,ARM,MSP430,PSOC3
DSP Architecture: Blackfin,C2000,C6000,21065L Sharc
FPGA: Spartan,Virtex,Cyclone
Image Processing Algorithms: Image/Scene Recognition, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Pattern Recognition, Object Classification, Image Retrieval, Image enhancement, and denoising.
Neural Networks : SVM,RBF,BPN
Cryptography :RSA,DES,3DES,Ellipti curve,Blowfish,DiffIe Hellman
Compilers: Keil,Visual DSP++,CCS, Xilinx Platform studio,ISE, Matlab, Open CV
Digital Marketing Skills:
Specialized in Analytics, CRO, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, landing page optimization, mobile optimization, persona marketing, customer experience, Ecommerce optimization, emotional conversion optimization, growth, branding, user acquisition, marketing strategies

Complete Course Curriculum

( Everything Covered From Basics )

Embedded C

In this section ,You will be learning IDE Installation and Setting the Tone for 30 Days Challenge

In this section, You will learn Data types and variables, Your first C Program.

In this section you will learn.How to create Address Variables and Storage Classes

In this section you will learn How to Write functions

In this section, you will learn Microcontroller programming

In this section you will learn to Build Process and Analyzing Embedded C Code and How to design a Microcontroller Board.

In this section you will learn Floating Point data and Scanf

In this section you will learn Pointers and stdint.h 

In this section ,You will learn Operators

In this section ,You will learn Decision Making Loops

In this section, You will learn Bitwise Operators

In this section, You will learn Blinking LED

In this section, You will learn Bitwise Shift Operators

In this section, You will learn Looping

In this section, You will learn Type Qualifier ‘Const’

In this section, You will learn Pinread and Optimization

In this section, You will learn ‘volatile’ type Qualifier

In this section, You will learn Structures and Bit field

In this section, You will learn Usage of Bitfiled in embedded code

In this section, You will learn Keypad Interfacing

In this section, You will learn Arrays

In this section, You will learn Strings

In this section, You will learn Pre-procesor Directives in C

In this section, You will learn LCD Programming in C

In this section, You will learn UART Programming in C

In this section, You will learn SPI TFT Display in C

In this section, You will learn IIC Memory Programming in C

In this section, You will learn SPI ADC Programming in C

In this section, You will learn  Interview Question in C

In this section, You will learn  Interview Question in C

PCB Design

In this section ,You will be learning how to Install the software, and the Basic definitions
and Terminologies like ,what is Via, Solder pad,Mask Layers and How PCB are fabricated.

In this section, You will learn the various components in capture cis and how design schematics.
How to create project. How to link library and finally how to draw Schematics.

In this section you will learn.How to create PCB foot prints using Allegro pcb designer

In this section you will learn how to draw simple schematics,integrate foot prints ,Place and Route.

In this section, you will learnn the various layer of gerber and how to create gerber for Manufacturing.How to generate BOM .
How to conver schematic and Layout to PDF

In this section you will learn,How to design a Microcontroller Board.

In this section you will learn how to create a Schematic library for the microcontroller board

In this section you will learn how to create a Schematic Design for the microcontroller board

In this section ,You will learn How to create a PCB Footprint for the 8051 Microcontroller board

In this section ,You will learn,How to do DRC check ,Footprint linking in schematics,Netlist Generation and Importing Netlist and Placement of componenets in PCB Layout.

In this section, You will learn how to route the Components.

In this section, You will learn how to Release the gerbber for Manufacturing

Embedded System Design & IoT

In this section we explain the basics of embedded system design, and the components and types of embedded system design.

In this section we explain how to choose the right processor for your embedded system design and various design phases.

In this section , we cover various challenges and design issues,Definition of Compiler,Assembler,linker and loader and how linker file works.

In this section, we have explain RTOS and Various RTOS Concepts.

In this section We explain Iot Trends and architecture,applications ,standards and protocols

In this section you wil learn the 8051 Architecture,Ports,Interrupts and ESD using 8051

In this section you will learn How use keil software and How to interface Switch and Relay using 8051

In this section you will learn How to interface UART and SPI

In this section you will learn How to interface LCD and IIC with 8051

In this section you will learn how , Bluetooth based home automation using 8051.

In this section you will learn the ARM 7 Architecture, Ports, Interrupts ,How to interface LED with 8051

In this section you will learn How use keil software and How to interface Switch and Relay using 8051

In this section you will learn How to interface UART and SPI

In this section you will learn How to interface LCD and IIC with ARM7

In this section you will learn how , Iot based weather monitoring system

In this section you wil learn the Cortex M4 Architecture,Ports,Interrupts

In this section you will learn How use keil software and How to interface Switch and Relay using 8051

In this section you will learn How to interface UART and SPI

In this section you will learn How to interface LCD and IIC with Cortex M4

In this section you will learn,Temperature Monitoring using Zigbee and LORA

In this section you wil learn the PIC Architecture,Ports,Interrupts

In this section you will learn How use MPLAB software and How to interface LED with PIC

In this section you will learn How to interface SWITCH ,RELAY and PWM

In this section you will learn How to interface UART and SPI with PIC

In this section you will learn, How to interface LCD and IIC with PIC

In this section you wil learn the NODEMCU Board Features

In this section you will learn How to interface SWITCH ,RELAY and UART

In this section you will learn Iot Base Temperature data logging

In this section you will learn ,Build your Home automation using ESP8266

In this section you will learn, Conclusion and Wrap up

Internet of Things

In this section we explain the basics of Introduction to IoT, How IoT works, Market, Challenges and Applications

In this section we explain the different Iot Communication protocols advantages and disadvantages.

In this section , we explain introduction to ESP32 and Nodemcu

In this section, we have explain various iot clouds ,analytics and datascience

In this section We explain various sensors for IoT

In This section ,we explain how to connect Esp32 to thingsepak cloud.

In This section ,we explain how to analyze the data in Thingspeak

In This section ,we explain how to develop and deploy machine learning model in the cloud.

In This section ,we explain how to develop IoT FOR Agriculture applications

In This section ,we explain how to develop a smart humidity sensor using API ,Thingspeak and Matlab

In This section ,we explain how to develop a iot application using Microsoft Azure Iot Central

In This section ,we explain how to develop a iot application using Microsoft Azure

In this section,we explain to visualize the sensor data from Azure IoT HUB Using Power BI

In this section,we explain to deploy machine learning applications using Custom vision in microsoft azure.

In this section,we explain smart weather monitoring system using Iot hub and Logic apps.

In this section,we explain Home automation using Google assistant.

In this section,we explain how to publish sensor readings to google sheets and generate alert

In this section,we explain how to stream videos using ESP32CAM and Blynk app

In this section we have explain how to communicate using lora and WIFI

In this section we have explain how to do predcitive maintenance using duct fan using Thingspeak.

In this section we have explain How to send Data to the AWS IOT Core

In this section we have explain How to send Data to the AWS IOT Core

In this section we have explain How to send notifications using Amazon SNS

In this section we have explain Iot analytics and quicksights

In this section we have explain how to use AWS Lamda function for IoT

In this section we have explain how to use AWS Dynamodb

In this section we have explain how to use Mongoose OS

In this section we have explain how to use AWS Device shadows and do multiple Pub and Subs

What are you waiting for ?

Start Your Embdded/Electronics Journey Now

NOTE: Enroll before Offer Ends and get the Discount Course Offer with all the Bonus Features.

Course Completion Certificate

Frequently Asked Questions

  • People are facing problem in the field of learning. A problem such as Not application basis, not interactive, not result-oriented, not hands-on, not precise, etc. these problems were solved in our new methodology of learning “Application-based Learning”
  • You will be part of a Technical private community that delivers Technical skills, soft skills, Mindset, to the Membership
  • You will get the latest interview Q&A mail and also information about jobs and we will keep you motivated!

We are providing Job announcements and guidance to get Job including technical skills and soft skills

This course has been designed to keep beginners in mind. You will be able to learn as we start from the basics. We have many learners doing this course who had no prior coding experience.

Course validity is 6 months, the reason for not giving the course for a lifetime is We no need number of course registration, we need course completion. As per the human mindset, whenever we have a deadline, we are used to completing the task faster than without a deadline. This is a proper mindset

But You gonna get Lifetime Validity for the Private Community

Save Your Lakhs of Rupees

Become Embedded/Electronics Engineer @ just 3499/-

NOTE: Enroll before Offer Ends and get the Discount Course Offer with all the Bonus Features.